Half Kneeling Quad Stretch


 Overview of Quadriceps Stretch at Half Bend Knees:

The quadriceps half-knee stretch is a form of static stretching used to relieve tension in the quadriceps muscle.

Recently, static stretching has been thought to be most useful after a workout as part of a cool-down routine. However, depending on your goals and workout for the day, you can incorporate static stretching into your warm-up if desired.

Instructions for doing a half-bent-knee stretch:

1-In the half-bent-knee position, make sure your knee is directly under your hip and your back toes are tucked in.

2-Reach back, grasp the foot with your ipsilateral hand and gently pull upward to increase quadriceps stretch.

3-Squeeze the buttock of the extended leg and rock forward slightly.

4-Return to the starting position and perform the set number of repetitions, then switch legs.

Read also: 

Stiff Leg Deadlift

Tips for stretching the quadriceps muscle with half-bent knees:

1-Never stretch to the point of pain or discomfort that causes you to hold your breath. Holding your breath increases global tension and will only work against the effect of the stretch.

2-Don’t let your lower back arch, you should feel the stretch in the front of your quadriceps and the tension in your abs.

3-Squeeze the glutes on the leg you are lowering to increase the stretch of the hip flexor. Consider trying to roll your pelvis under you or “pull the zipper to your forehead.”

4-Remember that your hips and shoulders swing forward together; you should not break in your spine.

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