Dumbbell Press Overview:
The dumbbell press is a type of bench press and an exercise used to develop the trap muscles.
The traps, being a stubborn muscle group for many, can be exercised at a fairly high frequency throughout the week. Be sure to vary the volume, intensity, and equipment you use to train your traps.
Dumbbell presses can be incorporated into shoulder, back, upper body and full body workouts.
Instructions for performing dumbbell curls:
1-Assume a standing position with dumbbells on either side of your body .
2-Lean forward, inhale, and grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip.
3-Stand to your full height and make sure your spine stays neutral.
4-Squeeze the traps to raise your shoulders. Squeeze hard at the top point and slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
5-Repeat the required number of repetitions.
Read also:
Neutral Grip Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
Dumbbell Press Tips:
Looking slightly up while extending the-1 shoulders can enhance the contraction, as the traps help control the movement of the skull. This movement should be smooth and controlled, as ballistic movement can lead to neck injury.
2-Traps tend to respond well to high repetitions and explosive movements (such as pull-ups with the jerk grip), so program your accessory work accordingly.
3-Limit momentum and excessive jerking or bouncing of weight. No one cares how much you shrug.
4-Avoid tilting your head forward excessively when squeezing traps, it can cause neck injury.
5-Adding a pause at the top of the movement can help strengthen the connection between your muscles and your mind.