Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl Exercise Guide


 Overview of Dumbbell and Hammer Extensions to the Stop:

Dumbbell pre-tensioning curls are a variation of hammer extensions and an exercise used to build up your biceps.

Performing hammer dumbbell extensions in the pre-tensioning position provides a fixed amplitude of motion for the hammer extensions, which allows for more targeted biceps contraction.

When trying to build up your biceps, it is best to use a wide range of exercises that target different ranges of motion.

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Instructions for performing hammer extensions with dumbbells:

1-Choose the right weight on the rack and sit upright with your chest pressed against the bench for the extension.

2-Keep your upper hand pressed against the pad and use a neutral grip (palms facing upward).

3-Take a deep breath and slowly lower the dumbbell from your shoulder.

4-When the biceps are fully extended, return the weight to the starting position.

5-Repeat the required number of repetitions on both sides.

Tips for performing a dumbbell extension with a hammer:

Maintain a slight bend in the elbow at the bottom of the movement to keep tension in the biceps. 

Using a slow eccentric (lowering) motion in the exercise can help improve tension and communication between the muscles.


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